An apple a day...
So now that we aren't swimming in tomatoes, it's apple time! With Labor Day come and gone it is officially the opening of apple season. There is something exciting about the chill in the air, the promise of cooler makes me want to bake! It also helps that I have several boxes of apples not so patiently waiting for their transformation to something with a little more shelf life. It just so happens I stumbled upon a recipe for Apple Bread this week in a newsletter from our friends up at Newcastle Produce.
I was careful to load their plates with eggs and strawberries- things they like- just in case the muffin was a flop- but NO they loved it! They have each already had 3 today...time to put them away for now. I couldn't be happier. Transitioning the kids to Primal eating has been a bit more challenging since they each have their own eating idiosyncrasies, but we are getting there a little more each day. So HOORAY for FALL and HOORAY for COCONUTTY APPLE MUFFINS...helping kids everywhere (ok, so that's a stretch) live a little more Primal:o)
Many of you know that Rick and I decided to give the "Primal" lifestyle a try just about 30 days ago. If you aren't familiar with it, I highly suggest you take a look at and check it out. For our purposes here, eating Primal means saying bye-bye to our old friends the grains, and most of the dairy family as well. I have to say, I thought that transition would be much harder than it was. I've never felt better, had more energy, and really I don't feel hungry...but I'll save all that for another post, another day. I do have a new, deeper appreciation for my food, where it comes from and the process of getting it to the table. Coming across this recipe for Apple Bread was timely, since I have apples rotting as we speak. Armed with my new enthusiasm for cooking and trying new things, I faced the challenge of converting the traditional to Primal. I didn't venture too far off the original recipe, just a few changes here and there- substituting Almond Flour for Regular Flour, adding some coconut, converting to mini-muffins instead of a traditional loaf bread. At 9:30pm last night I decided to make a go of it (mini muffins were key here in that they cook in 20 minutes vs. 1 1/2 hours for a loaf bread)- maybe it was because I had accidentally skipped dinner, but I thought they actually turned out pretty darn good! But the REAL test was the kids, that had to wait for morning.
I was careful to load their plates with eggs and strawberries- things they like- just in case the muffin was a flop- but NO they loved it! They have each already had 3 today...time to put them away for now. I couldn't be happier. Transitioning the kids to Primal eating has been a bit more challenging since they each have their own eating idiosyncrasies, but we are getting there a little more each day. So HOORAY for FALL and HOORAY for COCONUTTY APPLE MUFFINS...helping kids everywhere (ok, so that's a stretch) live a little more Primal:o)
Here is the recipe:
Coconutty Apple Muffins
2 1/1 C Almond Flour
1/2 C Hazelnut Flour
1.5 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
1/2 C chopped walnuts
1/2 C raisins
1/4 C unsweetened coconut
3 eggs
1C oil ( I used organic expeller pressed high oleic Safflower)
1/2 C Agave or Honey
1 t vanilla
3 C diced apples
Preheat oven to 325, grease muffin tins or line with paper liners. In medium bowl combine flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, baking soda, and salt. In separate bowl beat eggs, oil, agave or honey, and vanilla- mix well. Stir in flour mixture until combined. Fold in apples, coconut, raisins, and walnuts. Spoon into muffin pans and bake.
If making mini muffins check after 15 min.- might take up to 20min. Regular size up to 25 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. well